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Thursday, June 16, 2016

7 Essential Things that Men find attractive about a Women.

 Men are very visual and simple creatures, for
them, attraction and infatuation happens very
quickly, they don’t need to know a lot about
you in order to become attracted. Basically,
it’s all down to your first impression. It’s also
true that in time, this changes and their
appreciation for you will be at a much deeper
level but for starters here are the things that
catch mens eyes:

1. A cheerful woman
Nothing turns a man off more than a
depressed and mean attitude. If you want to
get that extra attention make sure you look
cheerful because a flirty giggle and a cheerful
attitude can quickly melt any man’s heart.
I agree that it’s not always easy to have such
an attitude but if you can think about the
happier side of life, all the time, this will
happen naturally. It’s the same for you isn’t
it? Would you date a guy that hates his life
and is genuinely miserable? Probably not, so
think about this next time you go out.

2. A well dressed, good looking woman
Yes, men are attracted by looks, you knew it, I
have said it and it’s the truth. But do not
worry because this doesn't mean you have to
undergo plastic surgery. Dressing well and
looking good are things that you can
immediately change. Caring about what you
put on and the way you apply some make-up
can be detrimental when it comes to attracting
Just focus on dressing well and feeling good
about yourself. If you feel good about how you
look then the people around you will feel the
same way. You don’t have to wear flashy
color clothes or anything like that, just be
confident, have well fitted clothes and use a
little bit of perfume and you’ll be attracting
some males in no time.

3. A flirty woman
There’s nothing like a woman that can flirt
back. We know that in order to attract a
woman we have to flirt. Sadly, often times
they don’t flirt back but…when they do…it’s
absolutely amazing. Flirting back puts you in a
very strong WOMANLY position, not only are
getting in control but also you are acting like a
woman. A womanly woman is absolutely
infatuating for any man on this planet.
What do you need to do? Simple things like
curling your lips or biting them slightly, raising
your eyebrows when you make a smart
remark, jiggling at our jokes, being genuinely
interested in what we say – these sort of
things. If you can’t yet master this subtle art,
try looking at yourself in the mirror and
exercise there. It may seem awkward at first
but it will help you get the hand of things fairly

4. Show us some skin
Now this isn’t a guide on how to be slutty
however, that little bit of extra skin turns our
heads in an instant. Too much skin is a cry for
attention and men know it but if you play it
subtle – It will work a lot better.
A shirt or a tee that ends just right around
where your jeans start or a perfectly fitting top
with a wider neck that shows a bit but yet
needs a bit of craning to get a peep is just the
perfect combination. We love those nearly-
there peeks and it drives us crazy.

5. A seductive voice
Again, this isn’t about changing your voice but
using it correctly. There are little things in life
that make the hair on a man’s back raise with
excitement and a woman’s voice is one of
them. Mastering the art of the seductive voice
takes time so don’t focus on it too much.
Men are turned off by high pitched glass
shattering squeals that most women use when
they’re surprised or ecstatic with joy. A low
and soft voice is obviously more attractive.
Lucky for you, it’s actually not that hard to
speak in a low, softer tone without seeming
like you’re trying too hard. Exercise your new
found talent on the phone but don’t blame me
if the guy on the other line starts to get flirty.

6. A Damsel In Distress
Maybe the term damsel in distress is too much
for this but you get the idea, a woman in need.
This may actually be a man’s dream, to help
out a woman in need…as it gives them the
perfect opportunity to be A MAN in front of
Men love to feel wanted and then appreciated
by women. You might think that men hate
doing errands and stuff like that but we hate it
only when we’re in a long term relationship. At
the beginning, we are at your disposal so use
us in any way you want. So, if you know a
single guy, go up to him with a smile on your
face and ask him to help you with something,
chances are he’ll jump to your help
We love women that ask for our help, it just
makes us feel manlier and it gives us the
opportunity to have a conversation with you.
And when you thank us with a flirty smile,
there’s a good chance we’ll do anything to get
your number.

7. A woman who acknowledges a man’s stare
This is the first step in seduction and probably
the most important. You need to have the
ability to acknowledge our stares. Sure, some
guys have a lot of guts and approach you
instantly but most guys don’t have this type of
attitude and you need to give them at least the
slightest reason to react.
Many guys will try to get your attention by
giving a manly stare. React to this by looking
back at them. You don’t even have to smile
(sure if you do, you give them even more
reasons to approach you) but even just
acknowledging their look is enough. You don’t
need to do this with every guy that looks at
you, but if he seems decent enough, do it.
Also, you don’t need to marry him or have his
babies but this will give you the chance meet a
guy, you can decide later if he’s your type or
not …if no guy comes to you in any given
night, how will you ever find a guy this way?
This simple acknowledgement of a stare is the
most important thing you can do if you want
to get a guy to notice you and come in for the
In conclusion, now that you have this
knowledge make sure you use it wisely. There
are a lot of women out there that just scream
for attention, don’t be that woman because we
men, hate her. Attract us but show us that
you’re different when we approach you, this is
how long term relationships are built.

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