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Sunday, May 10, 2015
7 foods that makes men active in the bedroom. ....
To sustain marriage these days, men need to
be super active and makes their wives enjoy
them. This is why will like to
discuss Foods That Makes Men Active In
Having a healthy s*x life plays an important
part of our wellbeing.
Low libid0 in men is much more common than
we are lead to believe. There are many
reasons why men can lose their s*x drive and
simple factors like tiredness, stress,
depression, certain medications
(antidepressants and hypertensive drugs),
excessive alcohol consumption, illicit drug
taking, and low testosterone levels may all
play a part.
Having a newborn can also put the breaks on
your s*x drive for a while due, primarily, to
lack of sleep. Did you know that what you eat
can also affect your desire for s*x. Here are
some foods that will help spice things up in
the bedroom. Help you enjoy a better s*x life.
The Following Aren7 Foods That Makes Men
Active In Bedroom
1. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Snacking on these nutritious seeds will help
boost your zinc levels. Zinc is one of the most
important minerals needed to improve sperm
health and quantity and boost testosterone
levels. Seeds also contain healthy fats that are
vital for s*xual health. Add a handful to
breakfast cereals, salads or to a trail mix.
2. Maca
This Peruvan superfood is considered
‘nature’s Viagra’ as it is a renowned
aphrodisiac, improving s*x drive and s*xual
performance. Maca is also rich in B vitamins,
to help boost energy levels, and relieve stress.
Add a spoonful to smoothies, soups or
breakfast cereals.
3. Meat
Beef and pork contains high levels of L-
Carnitine, an amino acid that can help boost
libido, s*xual function and testosterone levels
in older men. L-carnitine also helps improve
energy levels by increasing the burning of
triglycerides as fuel in the body.
4. Bananas
Bananas are an excellent source of B vitamins,
needed to increase energy production and to
dampen your stress levels. Bananas also
contain tryptophan, an amino acid needed for
serotonin production, our ‘feel good’
hormones. Bananas are also packed with
potassium, used to produce s*x hormones,
and improve heart health and s*x drive.
Bananas also contain an enzyme called
bromelain, which helps improve blood flow
and increase libido.
5. Cacao
Cacao, or raw chocolate, is also a well-known
aphrodisiac that is rich in potent antioxidants
called phenols, which are good for your heart.
Of course, a healthy heart means a healthy
s*x drive. Cacao can lower cholesterol levels
and blood pressure. When you eat chocolate
you actually get an increase in endorphins, the
same chemicals you release when you are in
love. Cacao also contains phenylethylamine, a
chemical that boosts dopamine levels, which
increases your feelings of desire. Add a
spoonful of cacao to smoothies, or enjoy
some good quality dark chocolate.
6. Raw nuts
Snacking on raw nuts can help bring a spark
back to your bedroom. Nuts such as almonds,
cashews, Brazil and hazelnuts are rich in the
amino acids L-Arginine, which boosts the
production of nitric acid in the body, this will
increase the production of s*x hormones, and
promote a firmer er3ction and better s*xual
performance. Nuts are also an excellent
source of essential fatty acids, which are
healthy fats needed for male s*xual health.
Add some mixed crushed nuts to muesli or
salads, or add to smoothies.
7. Celery
Including more celery in your diet can also
bring a spark back to your s*x life. Eating
celery can increase the pheromone
androsterone, which is a natural aphrodisiac
found in male perspiration. Celery also
contains chemicals that can help dilate blood
vessels, increase s*x drive, and enhance
climax. Try a vegie juice with celery, or
snacking on this s*x boosting vegie with
hummus or almond butter.
Source: Naijists , Savanahtimes,
Reasons why women cheat on their husbands. ...
It is a well accepted fact that while men are
more likely to be unfaithful, women are also
capable of the same, depending on the
Most men would usually cite reasons such as
boredom, opportunity, temptation, etc, as
what pushed them to adultery, but women,
being the more emotional gender, often state
different reasons.
In a society like ours, women are not very
forthcoming about sex-related issues much
less open up about infidelity, but has
been able to gather some reactions from a few
Nigerian women under conditions of
Names have been changed to protect the
identity of the subjects.
1. Loneliness:
“My husband works in the airline industry and
this means he travels very often. Sometimes
we spend as long as 6 months apart. I did not
actually plan and set out to be unfaithful but it
was getting very difficult and lonely. I recently
started an affair with a co-worker and we get
together about once a week.”
Deborah* 36
2. Excitement:
“Before I got married, 2 years ago, I was the
fun, party girl everyone loved to hang out with.
Since being married, my life has become quite
dull. Two weeks ago, I met a very good-
looking guy on social media and he made me
feel all the excitement that I have missed. I
have only been intimate with him once and I
do not intend to make this a regular affair.”
Nike* 26
3. Payback:
“My husband and I have been married for a
little over 25 years and in that time, my
husband has been the consummate bed-
hopper. He has slept with everything from
maids to executives. Now, I am done raising
my kids and I seem to have a little extra time
on my hands. I started dating an old friend
who also happens to be married. I love my
husband but it has been great to enjoy some
of the pleasure he has afforded himself all
these years.”
Ogechi* 45
4. Sex Drive:
“My husband and I have been married for
almost 5 years, and I can count the number of
times we have been intimate. He hardly
initiates sex and sometimes, when I do, he
gets very angry and pushes me away
aggressively. He even sometimes resorts to
calling me names. It has been months since
the last time he and I had sex. Last year, I met
a guy at a wedding. We both started hanging
out as friends but soon after, our conversation
became more sexual and it was only a matter
of time until things got physical.”
Cynthia* 31
5. The Ex-factor:
“Before my husband and I got married about
6 years ago, I had a boyfriend who I really
wanted to settle down with. We were from
separate tribes and our families did not
approve of our relationship. Eventually, I met
and married my husband, who my parents
loved. I still have feelings for my ex, who is
still single. He and I are still very close. We
talk every day. I open up to him and tell him
everything going on in my life. Sometimes, I
pay him a visit and let him comfort me when I
am down. We have been intimate from time to
time and whenever I am with him, I feel more
loved and cared for than I ever felt with my own husband. I cannot help it.”
Grace* 33
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