April 26, 2017.
Elrufai….”I will not meet with SOKAPU, I will not speak with them.”
You may think you are doing something new, something great,something unique and outstanding, but heyyy it is the same old story. To hate, despise and antagonize the Southern Kaduna people has been there for ages. Infact it was the culture before your father was born.
You boast that you will not meet or talk to the Southern Kaduna people because they are making noise, you call them names, you describe them as bigots, you maintain that they are the catalysts of violence, you threaten to do “something” drastic to them very soon and yes you are working very hard to bring reconciliation, harmony and peace in southern Kaduna. A humorous classical prelude to failure.
You demonise everyone that dares to stand up to your rascal accidental antics, you are at war with everyone. The Politicians even in your political Party you fight, the Clergy even the ones in your religion you fight, the traditional Rulers even in Zaria you harass and disregard, thus it is no surprise that you have thrown a traditional ruler from Southern Kaduna into prison. You spend time and resources prowling social media commentary from where you target and cause the arrest and detention of any Southern Kaduna person that has published any objection to your accidental mishandling of the killings in our state. You have threatened to arrest and imprison our Bishop etc etc.
It is clear you have no respect for anyone neither do you listen to anyone except yourself; surprisingly you boast about that deluding yourself in self praise, thinking it is a sign of toughness/strength. Take a brief study of all failed despots, you will discover that they started this way.
In the words of Bob Marley,
we refuse to be what you wanted us to be,
we are what we are
that’s the way its going to be.
The people you so much hate, have survived humiliation and varied versions of oppression from the pre colonial era through deadly slave/tax raids in the hands of wicked Hausa and Fulani marauders to the post Colonial era of the wicked neo colonialist imposition of Emirs and District heads. The military era witnessed the sustenance of the wicked system of impositions but it is on record that we survived it all. Infact the Military allowed our people to complain and speak loudly against every known evil or injustice which contrasts what you are doing as a Civilian Governor. Your hate and disdain for the Southern Kaduna people is unmatched and very apparent such that even in your appointments there is no single southern kaduna indigene among your personal staff, you have asked that all Policemen of Southern Kaduna origin be transferred out of Kaduna State. Policemen of southern Kaduna origin earlier posted to Government house have not only been withdrawn, but some of them are undergoing orderly room trial because you allege that they were part of or failed to arrest the women that staged a peaceful protest against you. Your utterances at every given opportunity magnify such hatred. Our biggest sin is that WE DARE TO SPEAK UP against the classic failure of your government to protect lives and property of citizens you are on oath to protect.
Perhaps you have not read the words of Patrick Henry while talking about peace building and reconciliation to King George 111 of England……
“The process of healing requires a peace package for the community of people whose lives were touched or altered in any manner……..Greater injustice is to ask people who have been massacred and hurt not to talk about it.”
The simple point I make here is that we remain who we are because we are proud of our roots as Southern Kaduna people and as history has shown we are survivors. We shall survive all and every form of wickedness you exact upon us. You have so many of our kith and kin in detention centres, including traditional rulers, you have threatened to arrest and prosecute more, you have stopped our children from attending school by shutting down the schools in Kafanchan environs etc etc..