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Saturday, November 17, 2018


Xpower Coffee for Men

Supplement Facts.

What is in XPower Coffee for Men?

BF Suma XPower Coffee, formulated with Epimedium, Maca and Tongkat Ali and Gingseng is a super drink allowing you to boost your energy, enhance your sexual performance and improve sperm quality with only a cup of coffee every day.
As known that Epimedium, Maca and Tongkat Ali are some of the most powerful supplements for men. To make it even better, BF Suma also combines Gingseng to enhance the benefits of those three supplements.

Health Benefits of XPower Coffee for Men
● Enhance libido, relieve fatigue and stress and promote erection
● Improve sexual performance, nourish prostate
● Promote blood circulation, improve body vitality.

Why Choose XPower Coffee for Men?

● Epimedium, known as Prostaep-I in BF Suma’s products, is an unique technology which received US patent to extract epimedium, increase the effect and reduce the side effects.
● Scientific combination, four active ingredients contained in one sachet is a cost effective supplement for men’s health!
● Good taste, get its secret benefits by enjoying a tasty coffee.

For Order and Registration, contact us@:


Pure & Broken Ganoderma Spores.

A Selected Gift Infused with Nature

● People who are concerns about immunity
● People who concerns about respiratory system health.

Supplement Facts.
What is Pure and Broken Ganoderma Spore Powder?

Ganoderma (Reishi) is a natural medical mushroom that's been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years. Because of its numerous benefits, the herbs are often called king of herbs. or the mushroom of immortality. It’s believed to be more valuable than gold and diamonds in Chinese history.
Ganoderma (Reishi) Spore is the seed part of the mushroom, and the seed has all of its life force and the most ingredient condensed into small property. Ganoderma (Reishi) spore = Essence of Ganoderma (Reishi) Essence

Health Benefits of Pure and Broken Ganoderma Spore Powder includes, not exhaustively:

* People who are  concerns about immunity
* People who concerns about respiratory system health
* Help balance blood sugar and pancreatic function
* Sustains healthy function of the liver and unlogs arteries
* Anti Tumor and good for fibroids
* Reduce Fatigue and improve sleep
* Boosts immune system and raise appetite
* Helps balance cholesterol
* Good for eyesight
* It's 100% shell broken
* Rejuvenates and helps oxygenates the body
* Effectively helps in the healing of skin wounds, scrapes, Mouth ulcers, external bleeding

Why BF Suma Pure and Broken Ganoderma Spores.

Spores are impossible for humans to digest due to their hard coating. They must be “cracked” to open and yet not spill out their precious (and microscopic) contents so that our digestive system can absorb the potent quality of spores. They are highly prized for their healthy properties.
With our 99% shell-breaking technology, we are able to harness the benefits of this plant’s incredible spores at the pinnacle of their potency. As a result, these spores are richer in naturally beneficial compounds — such as polysaccharides, — than regular Ganoderma lucidum.

For order and Registration contact us @:


Probio 3

*Help to Inhibit Bad Bacteria in the Gut
* help to clean the waste in the gut
* help to promote intestinal peristalsis, remove toxins.

Supplement Facts.

What is Probio3 Probiotics?

Our digestive tracts are filled with trillions of bacteria – both good and bad. When it’s out of balance, we experience those uncomfortable digestive symptoms issues like bloating and gas. Probiotics are “good” bacteria that rid the intestines of harmful bacteria.
Our Probio3 Probiotics is designed for those who needs a more robust probiotic blend. Each bottle contains 200 billion colony forming units (CFU) from 3 carefully selected Bifidobacterium, thermophilus and thermophilus of probiotics. This is one of the most potent and diverse probiotic formulas on the market.

Health Benefits of Probio3 Probiotics

>  Fights off bad bacteria to boost your immune system
>  Restores digestive balance and replenishes healthy bacteria in both intestines
>  May reduce lactose intolerance symptoms and gastrointestinal distress
This Probio3 supplement is decided to survive stomach acid and deliver support where it’s most needed. Our formula promotes digestive and immune health so you feel lighter, better, and healthier when taken regularly.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Why BF Suma Probio3 Probiotics is a Great Value?

*  BF Suma selected three major bacterial strains that seemed common to the bacteria.
*  No dependence and no side effects
*  The number of living bacteria of BF Suma probiotics 20 billion, which equals to 200 bottles of 100g yogurt.

Contact us on 08065270838, 08028283001.
Or e-mail.


Headquartered in Los Angeles, USA, BF Suma is a global pharmaceutical and health products company dedicated to improve the health of mankind through developing, producing and supplying high quality natural herbal formulated products with state-of-the-art technologies and heartily services.
To date, BF Suma supports the health of populations across North America, Asia and Africa with over 8,000 employees worldwide. Our manufacturing plants are designed, constructed and operated in compliance with the FDA and cGMP regulations to safeguard the standards of products safety, efficacy and purity. Amongst other facilities, our Los Angeles plant is specialized in the innovation and production of premium quality health products for the nourishment of our customers in North America and Africa.
Our professional R&D teams continuously develop new products with cutting-edge technologies and an uncompromising attitude to achieve better quality. Our leading product portfolio covers US-Patented formula Products, Bone & Cartilage Supplements, Healthy Beauty Products, Immune Boosters, Digestive Products, Intimacy Products, as well as Sleeping Aid.
BF Suma is your B right Future f rom the S uperior, U nique M anufacturer of A merica.
BF Suma's dramatic entrance into Nigeria in August 2013 has recorded a record breaking achievement in that in just three months there has been recorded growth that is unprecedented in other parts of the world.
This can be directly traced to two factors.
1. Fantastic and Effective products and
2. Wonderful and Easy Business Plan.

Friday, November 16, 2018


The BF Suma Business Plan.

In all my years as a network marketer and dealing in supplements I have seen just nothing that compares with products from the BF Suma ranges. I have good news for you also, the payplan is so fantastic. Let's take the first simple facts.
To start, you'll have to sign up or as we say in these parts, you'll have to register and that will be. N6,000 (Six Thousand Naira Only).
On signing up, you'll get;
1. A BF Suma products/Business brochure that will tell you all you need to know about the business and our products.
2. A wrist bangle
3. Free bonus products courtesy BF Suma Nigeria.
The pay plan is one of the simplest I have come across.
As soon as you sign up you can start purchasing product and selling them at the recommended retail price and make an instant profit of 20 percent.
You also start to earn bonuses that range front 5 -28 percent, depending on your rank.
To climb from rank to rank, you and your team must achieve some set goals as cumulative points and the sweet part is that there are no wiping off of points in a given value month you will continue from where you stopped when the new VM starts.
The ranks are:
Star 1, Star 2, Star 3, Star 4, Star 5. Star 6, Leader, Senior Leader, Diamond Leader, Senior Diamond Leader, Crown Leader and finally Senior Crown Leader,
To get to Leader, you and your team would have done a cumulative sales of 12,000 CGV and a VM purchase of the value of 5,000 GPV. This I assure you is peanuts.
It then starts to get exciting! In BF It's not just about how Much you can purchase but also how many lives you can touch and change for the better. So, when you get to Leader, you can only get promoted when you help people under you become " Leader" and then you begin to grow.
So, when one person qualifies as "Leader " you rise to Snr. Leader. Two people qualify and you rise to Diamond Leader , And So it goes until you climb to Senior Crown Leader.
In later post, we will see how we can leverage on these "Gifts ".as it were to rise up in our status. We will see what other bonuses the company gives as incentives for motivation. See you then.

For Registration Contact us@:



This is the official blog of BF SUMA inspiration team Kaduna, Nigeria.

Our Value

Brighter life Better Future.

BF Suma believes we can bring better life to more people around the world through caring and committed spirit, genuine knowledge, expertise and scientific technology.
To materialize our philosophy, BF Suma is persistently devoted to developing and providing new, and better, health products for better health; and BF Suma distributors are dedicated to deliver professional health knowledge and premium health products to more people in the world.
Witnessing more and more BF Suma users and distributors benefit from the good quality health products; enjoy the well-being that they deserve; and enriching their life through becoming BF Suma distributors are the greatest rewards and motivations for BF Suma to keep going and deliver more.
We invite you to explore the BF Suma world of wellness, enrichment and caring and let’s celebrate better life for more together.

To get more on how to join today, Please call on 08065270838,09050992114,08028283001 or e-mail @


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