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Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Dear Ladies,

Are you still finding it hard to make men like you MORE than just as their friend? There are so many factors that go into a good relationship. It's like a hundred and one things have to fall in to places at the same time before a relationship can have a chance of working out. Some women make the mistake of blaming everything on their boyfriends. It's like if the relationship doesn't work out: "It's because he was scared of commitment." "It's because he didn't know how to make a relationship work." "It's because he couldn't handle me as a successful woman." Sure, sometimes it IS his fault. After all, 90% of all single men out there are only capable of handling CASUAL relationships. SERIOUS relatio nships, on the other hand, are too much for them to handle. But hey, it's not ALWAYS the guy's fault. After all, it takes two people to make a relationship work. And you, my friends, might be doing something that's keeping the relationship from working out. It could be one of a hundred things. You might be too bossy, you might be too needy, or you might be too eager to get into a serious relationship. You might only be TALKING instead of COMMUNICATING. You might have certain misconceptions about love and relationships. Or you might be a little too hurt from past relationships. The list goes on and on! But one thing is important -- you'll have to ADMIT that you play a part in the relationship's success or failure. You'll have to admit that it's NOT your boyfriend's job to make you happy, and that love really IS a two-way street! So, I'd like to invite you to increase your chances of keeping a man -- by increasing your knowledge about love and relationships. Here's a scenario I've seen ha ppen over and over and over -- a woman WAITS until a guy walks into her life. He's nice, he's fun, and he loves her madly. And for a few months or years, they pursue a great relationship. No doubt, he's her "soulmate," right? But after a while, the relationship loses its passion, and they begin to argue. The relationship gets worse and worse until, finally, it ends in a bad break-up. So what should she do? Sit around again and WAIT for the NEXT "soulmate" to come by? I beg to differ! Friends, when you sit and wait for your "knight in shining armor" to rescue you -- chances are you're being too passive. Here's my message -- waiting is always an option. But why wait when there's a more FUN and ACTIVE way to meet "the one?" Too Many Women CHASE After Men Unfortunately, chasing after men is not one of the "active" ways to make things work. If they don't like you, they're going to do everything they can to stay away from you. But even if they DO like you, they're going to think you're the type who's desperate to RUSH into a relationship -- and they're going to stay away from you, too. So how DO you meet good men without scaring them off? Easy -- you'll have to lead them in by example. Think about it -- what do smart guys prefer? Of course. Smart women. What do independent guys prefer? Independent women. What do fun guys prefer? You get the idea! If you're desperate, and you c hase after men, chances are you'll only b e attracting the DESPERATE men, too. If you're lonely, chances are you'll only be attracting lonely men. If you're scared, chances are you'll only be attracting scared men. If you wait around for your "soul mate," chances are you'll only be attracting men who ALSO sit around and wait. I hope you see what I'm getting at here. To attract your ideal man, you'll have to exhibit the traits that LEAD HIM IN. There's just this one little problem -- what ARE the traits that lead the "real men" in? The Traits Of A "Cool" Woman A few articles back, I wrote about how men describe women they're DEEPLY, EMOTIONALLY IN LOVE with. They don't describe her as "smart," "pretty," "sexy," "well-dressed," or any other EXTERNAL quality. That's only for physical attraction. How do they describe her? "She's cool." Other variations? "She's awesome." "She's fantastic." "She's incredible." But let's use "cool" as a baseline! "Cool" women exhibit great personality traits that attract the REAL, mature men, and keep away the immature, non-committing, wussy ones. These personality traits arm a woman with the right words to say, the right thoughts to think, and the right actions to make in ANY situation with a man. And men simply can't HELP but fall madly in love with such women! I hope you don't mind -- but I made it my personal lifelong mission to make a "cool" woman out of you and the rest of my readers. No joke!

Alexander Fox.

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