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Sunday, December 7, 2014

15 secrets to become a happy woman- Candy.

To become a happy woman, you should always remember 15 secrets below:

1. When you are drunk, don’t call anyone,
including your closest friends or your
2. If you send a text message to the man
you love , and he does not reply you,
stop texting.
3. If there is no-one beside you, learn to
listen to music, read a book or watch a
movie by yourself. These are all good
4. Love your parents. Call them often and
have meals together with them often.
5. Believe in love strike. Believe that
somewhere in the world, there is
someone waiting for you, and if you
notice it, you’ll find him.
6. Naive and pure is good. But dont let
your naive and pureness put you in bad
7. Learn the acceptance, learn that sadness
is unavoidable. There are sadness that is
better buried deep inside, there are
sadness that better be forgotten. When it
passes, you’ll grow up, and you’ll know ,
that’s enough. There are many changes
that even if you dont speak out, others
still can see them.
8. Get yourself a “quality” boyfriend. He
may not be rich but certainly has to
make you feel safe
9. If you can, keep your hair long. It makes
you more feminine.
10. Get your self a close friend, so when
you’re broken heart , you wont be lonely.
11. Buy clothes that you like, may be other
people won’t like them, but doesn’t
matter, as long as you like them, you’ll
be happy.
12. Don’t just hang out with any man
because of your loneliness, it won’t be
fair for both.
13. Try to wear high heels, but not too high.
14. Never cry for a man who is not worth
your love. At the end, you’re the one that
suffer the most.
15. Do what you love and love what you do.

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