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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Charles Novia has incurred the wrath of Chika Ike's PA, Serah Donald.

Movie director turned celebrity critic, Charles Novia, has incurred the wrath of Chika Ike's PA, Serah Donald, for saying that Chika is a show off.


Movie director and producer, Charles
Novia » 's new career as a celebrity critic is
surely drawing more enemies for him than friends.

The top producer who now run a blog where
he picks on the nuances of Nigerian
celebrities and tears them to pieces, has had
many of the stars battle him anytime he fires a
salvo at them. He has had issues with
actresses like Rita Dominic, Genevieve Nnaji,
Ini Edo, Tonto Dikeh, and Cossy Orjiakor, as
well singers Tiwa Savage » and Maheeda,
over stuff he wrote about them but he cares
less as he keeps pointing out their faults.
This time around, he has seemingly touched
the sour side of touring actress, Chika Ike,
who has been going from one country to the
enjoying life and posting photos of her
exploits all over the place.
Charles Novia sees her flaunting photos of
the hotel she stays and the yacht she is
holidaying in as vain and egotistical.
In a funny soliloquy on his blog, Novia wrote:

"Let me give an example with that Chika Ike.
She is an actress or something? Yeah? How
is it that she sorts of ensures that the whole
Nigeria must know that she paid $24,000 for
a two-day yacht ride in the Middle East?
Isn’t that some sort of dysfunction of her
‘But I read that it was her Personal Assistant
who wrote effusively on her personal page
that Chika paid that amount and took her,
the PA or friend, along for the ride.
It all boils down to my point. And by the
way, that picture I saw of the yacht is
suspect. The damned thing looked like a
cruise boat which the obtuse PA might have
mistaken for a yacht though. Anyway, my
point is, in this clime we live in, our so-
called celebrities, coming from a
background of social, material and
emotional deprivation, just have to FORCE
the public to know that they have arrived.
So, a boat trip, a helicopter ride, a breakfast
in a 3 star hotel lobby and a personal
scratch on the ass must make the news at
all costs."

But the Chika Ike camp would not take
such frontal attack lying low as her Personal
Assistant or Manager, as she calls herself,
Serah Donlad, fired back at Charles Novia,
calling him all sorts of names.

"Ah hh Charles Novia. Why the beef? I
understand your pains that after years spent
in the industry you have nothing to show for
it and have resorted to getting fame with
celebrities names. Oh well! let me grant you
the audience of having your fifteen minutes
fame as usual.
Trying to resurrect your dead career by
trying to be a critic or will I say a hater.
Before you hate why not at least do a proper
research. First you called a yacht, a cruise
boat. I laughed at first but I understand that
you have not experienced the luxury of
being in a Yacht to know the difference
between a boat and a yacht. You called
Jumeirah beach hotel a 3 star hotel? my
guy I forgive your ignorance ,how will you
know the difference when you have not
even been in a two star hotel how much
more a five star hotel.
You call me Chika Ike's personal
assistant ,that really got me laughing hard
because I know that you know I am her
manager and her publicist a position you will
give your life to attain at lease to make
some money for your self and take expense
paid trips vacation.
I remember clearly that you met me in
California when you came for Nollywood
convention. And I was in a film school one
you won't even be able to afford even if you
worked for years but then again I forgive
your ignorance as I deeply feel your pains.
Dealing with a dead career is not really an
easy one.
But one advice focus on resurrecting your
career and going back to being a movie
director rather than living your life hating on
celebrities who has made it. It's obvious
your beef doesn't pay your bills and you will
die a wretched sad old man who will be
remembered for hating on celebrities. Like
the famous saying goes. Have you ever
seen a statue erected In honor of a critic ?
Chika Ike is one of the biggest Nigerian
celebrities we have, a U.N ambassador,
bullet energy drink ambassador. Refugee
ambassador for displaced person just to
mention a few. An extremely hardworking
one as such and very charitable, I am sure
you are aware of how many lives she has
changed with her Chika Ike foundation.
Chika Ike is blessed and no man can take
that away. She is 28 and successful and
she's sure going to live her life to the fullest
so feel free to feed your eyes with more
Instagram pictures if it pains you then go
work harder and be celebrated. Peace out!"

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