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Friday, October 24, 2014

Do's and don'ts of Washing your Car.

Do's and don'ts of washing your car

Jokardu Car Wash.

For many vehicle owners, the weekend act of
washing a car by hand is a therapeutic act as
beneficial for the person's state of mind as to
the vehicle's appearance. That's good,
because frequent washing is also the best way
to maintain a new-car finish. But as simple as
washing your car may seem, there are some
things to watch for so that you don't
accidentally scratch or degrade the finish.
Here are some basic car-washing tips.
When should I wash the car?
Don't... wait for a layer of crud to accumulate
before washing. Dead bugs, bird droppings,
and chemicals from the atmosphere all leach
acids that can strip away wax and eventually
eat into your car's paint. If left too long, they
can cause damage that requires sanding and
repainting the area to correct.
Do... wash off dead bugs, bird droppings, and
tree-sap mist as soon as possible. Other than
this, a weekly car wash will keep the finish in
its best shape. In addition, if you live in an
area that suffers from acid rain, rinse your
vehicle off after a period of rainy weather.
Otherwise, acidic chemicals in the rainwater
will be left on the surface after the droplets
have evaporated, leaving a mark that can
permanently mar the paint.
What kind of products should I use?
Don't... use household cleaning agents like
hand soap, dishwashing detergent, or glass
cleaner on the paint. These aren't formulated
for use on a car's paint and may strip off the
protective wax.
Do... use a dedicated car-wash product,
which is milder and specifically designed for
use on automotive paint. Apply the suds with
a large, soft natural sponge or a lamb's-wool
mitt. See our car wax report for tips and
advice on all types of waxes.
Grease, rubber, and road-tar deposits picked
up from the road often accumulate around the
wheel wells and along the lower edge of the
body. These can be stubborn to remove and
may require a stronger product, such as a
bug-and-tar remover. Use a soft, nonabrasive
cloth to remove these deposits, as they can
quickly blacken your sponge.
Use a separate sponge to clean the wheels
and tires, which may be coated with sand,
brake dust, and other debris that could mar
the car's finish. Mild soap and water may work
here; if not, a dedicated wheel cleaner may be
required. Be sure the cleaner is compatible
with the type of finish (paint, clear-coat,
chrome, etc.) used on the wheels. A strong
formula intended for mag wheels, for instance,
can damage the clear coat that's used on the
wheels that come on today's cars. To be on
the safe side, choose a cleaner that's labeled
as safe for use on all wheels.
Are there any general guidelines I should
follow when washing a car?
Don't... wash your car when the body is hot,
such as immediately after driving it or after it
has been parked in direct sunlight for awhile.
Heat speeds the drying of soap and water,
making washing more difficult and increasing
the chances that spots or deposits will form.
Don't move the sponge in circles. This can
create light, but noticeable scratches called
swirl marks. Instead, move the sponge
lengthwise across the hood and other body
panels. And don't continue using a sponge
that's dropped on the ground without
thoroughly rinsing it out. The sponge can pick
up dirt particles that can scratch the paint.
Do... rinse all surfaces thoroughly with water
before you begin washing to remove loose dirt
and debris that could cause scratching. Once
you begin, concentrate on one section at a
time, washing and rinsing each area
completely before moving on to the next one.
This ensures that you have plenty of time to
rinse before the soap dries. Start at the top,
and then work your way around the car.
Work the car-wash solution into a lather with
plenty of suds that provide lots of lubrication
on the paint surface. And rinse the sponge
often. Using a separate bucket to rinse the
sponge keeps dirt from getting mixed into the
sudsy wash water.
When rinsing, use a hose without a nozzle and
let the water flow over the car from top to
bottom. This creates a sheeting action that
helps minimize pooling of water.
How should I dry the car when I'm done?
Don't... let the car air dry, and don't expect a
drive around the block to do an effective job.
Either will leave watermarks, which in areas
with hard water are the minerals left after
evaporation. In addition, don't use an abrasive
towel or other material that can leave hairline
scratches in the paint.
Do... use a chamois (natural or synthetic) or
soft terry towels. If you choose towels, you
may need several. It's best to blot the water
up instead of dragging the towel or chamois
over the paint. The drying process can be
speeded up by using a soft squeegee to
remove most of the water on the body, but be
sure the rubber is pliable and that it doesn't
pick up bits of dirt that can cause scratches.

Always look for JOKARDU Car Wash.  The best for your cars.

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