Are you a PHP expert???
From: Article Underground Are you a PHP expert???
Happy New Year! Is it really 2009??? Oh boy! That's insane!
Hey, it's Mike Liebner here from and the Words Equal Money Article Marketing Newsletter.
I have a personal question to ask you and I also have something PHP related that may be of interest to you if you are into PHP and/or programming.
PHP is a programming language that allows us to do all kinds of cool stuff on our web sites and in online applications! Wordpress and WP Plug-in for example are examples of PHP coding. PHP is awesome!
Now, I need your help!
Are you a PHP or programming expert???
If so - I want to talk to you! I'll try to make this brief, but let's say that I have MORE IDEAS than I am physically capable of following through on.
I know - that's sad - but I am getting slammed on the head with the realization that all of those great ideas I scribbled on paper in 2008 are mostly still hiding out on paper and are not fully realized.
Ideas are great but aren't anything but a void until they are put into action!
It's not like I don't already have enough projects in development, and I actually have a full time programming team - I do - in fact I've been investing an insane amount of time and money into the development of two exciting and huge new products I hope to release in early 2009.
Man.... those are going to rock the online business world - but hey - I need to get real here - those full featured products are still months away from being perfect enough to release and I have all these great "little ideas" for applications and tools and plugins we can be using to increase our web publishing productivity and profitability NOW!
And that's where you come in! If you have experience with PHP programming or similar and have an interest to push your ideas into action - you and I should hook up - and talk at the very least!
I'm in a great position to launch free and inexpensive products which can be of value to both of us! You can get a jumpstart on your career or establishing your identity and I can get tools of value I can supply my readers with for free or very cheap! We all win!
So - if you have any interest in PHP or programming and either have products in development or can get new ones up and running fast - send me an email at and introduce yourself!
I want to collaborate with more great minds! Reach out and say hi! Tell me a little about yourself and your experience and skills and please include a brief summary of your goals for online business development. There is a good chance we can work together to quickly hammer out some valuable apps and info products!
Now, while we are on the subject of PHP and programming - I need to tell you about a guy that simply blows my mind. You may know of him - he's Robert Plank and he is a PHP wizard. I recently bought a package from Robert called Simple PHP and man - this stuff blows my mind!
It's a whole suite of tools you can use to spice up web sites - best thing - they're easy to use - simple code you paste on pages and your sites have personality and uniqueness! Best of all the package includes comprehensive video tutorials! If you've ever dreamed of learning PHP this may be the perfect way for you!
If you're worried that Robert's Simple PHP is expensive - get this - it's only $39.95! I know! That's insane! And it's loaded to the brim with cool stuff!
If you're into PHP or just want to learn about it check out Robert Plank and his Simple PHP!
Well, that's all for now!
Best wishes for successful marketing!
Mike Liebner
P.S. I would like to thank everyone who shared their great topic ideas to help me create some awesome new training videos in 2009! Your ideas were excellent and I am already at work mapping out what I'll drop into the new videos coming to you soon. If you have any ideas or suggestions it's not too late to recommend topics - send an email to and let me know what I should consider creating training about!
I'll have some great new videos coming your way very soon and of course as a Words Equal Money subscriber you get them for free!
-- john subscribed on 12-5-2008.
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