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Saturday, January 10, 2009

247 marketing words you need to know.

 247 marketing words you need to know.

Eric's Tips
"247 words you need to know..."
You may have noticed that the world of internet marketing has a language of it's own, full of words that you might not be familiar with.
It's all second nature to me, because I've been using these words for a long time. But I've heard from some newbies that it can be rather confusing when I bring up certain terms.
Since I'm going to be using those words throughout the lessons, it's important that you have some understanding of what they mean, or at least have access to a resource where you can find accurate definitions.
So today I'm simply going to cover the terms. More specifically, I'm going to cover 247 words that are used in the online business world...
If you listen carefully you can hear one of my kids crying in the background upstairs for the first half of the video :-) (oh the joys of a home office... don't worry, their mom was watching them)
Be on the lookout for Lesson #11, and as always-- please post your questions and comments on the blog.
Have a great day!
Eric Holmlund
Eric's Tips

PO Box 272772, Fort Collins, CO 80527, USA

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