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Thursday, November 6, 2014
Get the medicinal benefits of Tangerines Orange.
Get the medicinal benefits of tangerines.
Tangerine is a specific variant of Mandarin
oranges (Citrus Reticulate) which is reddish
orange in colour. It belongs to the family of
Rutaceae and is cultivated mainly in the
tropical forests of Africa and Asia. It is a
fibrous fruit that peels easily.
In fact, tangerines are currently in their full
season in Nigeria. Most people take them
because they are sweet, not necessarily
because they have potent powers in
preventing diseases such as cancer and heart
Nutritionists say that tangerines are not just
tasty and refreshing; they note that the citrus
fruit are packed with medicinal compounds
such as flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin A,
folate and potassium in significant quantities
that may not be found in other plants.
A nutritionist, Dr. Tosin Akinsanya, says the
exceptional health quality of tangerine is the
fact that it contains compounds that have one
benefit or the other for every part of the body,
from the cell of the body to the vital organs of
the body when taken appropriately.
The nutritionist, who has authored a book on
the cancer prevention properties of the citrus
fruit, notes that two bulbs of tangerine contain
25.5 milligrammes of vitamin C, a potent
antioxidant that suppresses cancer-forming
cells from thriving in the body.
He explains that tangerines also have
flavonoids, which boasts enviable anti-cancer
properties that stop the proliferation of
Akinsanya states, “If there is any reason why
we should eat tangerine, it is because of its
role in prevention and management of cancer.
Science has been showing us that the
solution to cancer may eventually be in fruits.
For one, tangerine has flavonoids and
antioxidants that neutralise free radicals,
which are disease-causing molecules in the
Akinsanya adds that the quantity of vitamins
C and A in five bulbs of tangerine is more
than what you can find in any drug
prescribed for the purpose of getting this
Vitamin C is vital to all processes going on in
the body. Akinsanya says this nutrient is
crucial to the synthesis of collagen in the
body. Collagen is also the body of cells that
gather to hold together the tendons,
ligaments, bones and blood vessels and the
muscles of the body.
“Its nutritional components contribute to the
health of all parts of the body, from cell DNA
to the bones and heart. Tangerines are
smaller than oranges, but they pack more
vitamin A and iron, and vitamin C.
“But you have to eat it right. Don’t just drink
its juice and throw the flesh away. More than
80 per cent of its nutrient is in the flesh. Eat it
up to get its full benefits,” he counsels.
Akinsanya says one should ensure that they
take advantage of this seasonal fruit which,
he says, helps lower cholesterol, that is fatty
acid levels, in the body.
Looking at lowering your risk for heart
diseases and other cardiovascular diseases
by reducing your cholesterol levels?
Scientists say you may want to eat more
tangerines, especially its peel.
Bitter, right? But an extensive research by
scientists in the United States and Canada
reveals that a compound called
polymethoxylated flavones found in the peels
of tangerine can lower one’s risk of getting
coronary heart disease by over 50 per cent.
A joint study by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and KGK Synergise, a Canadian
nutraceutical company, states that tangerine
peel, when eaten in small quantities, has the
potential to lower cholesterol more effectively
than some prescription drugs, and without
side effects.
The finding, which is described in the Journal
of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, notes that
polymethoxylated flavones have striking heart
disease and inflammation prevention
The scientists, using statistics gathered from
300 clinical trials, believe that this is the first
time science has shown that PMFs can lower
cholesterol; the researchers conclude that
tangerine peels should be recommended as
an option for patients who present with heart
diseases at the clinic.
“Our study has shown that PMFs have the
most potent cholesterol-lowering effect of any
other citrus flavonoid. We believe that PMFs
have the potential to rival and even beat the
cholesterol-lowering effect of some
prescription drugs, without the risk of side
While selecting tangerines, always look for the
heavy ones. More weight equals more juice.
Store them in the fridge to retain their
freshness. If you buy too many tangerines at
a go, rinse them off in cold water and dry
them well with a piece of cotton clothes and
store them in the fridge.
Still in doubt of the health benefits of this
fruit? Experts on highlight
other interesting medicinal attributes of
Fibre : Tangerines contain a generous amount
of fibre, a specialised type of carbohydrate.
Each cup of tangerine sections —
approximately two medium tangerines —
provides 3.5 grammes of dietary fibre which
aids digestion and prevent colon cancer.
Your body doesn’t break fibre down into
energy like it does with other carbohydrates;
fibre passes through your digestive tract,
loosening your stool to help keep you regular.
Fibre fights obesity, and it also can help
lower blood cholesterol levels, which in turn
can help reduce your risk of coronary heart
disease. Each bulb-cup of tangerines
provides nine to 14 per cent of the
recommended daily fibre intakes for women
and men respectively, as set by the Institute
of Medicine.
Fights pimples : Tangerine is a good source
of vitamin A. If you are suffering from any skin
diseases, such as acne and pimples, you are
encouraged to have plenty of vitamin A and
apply products that are derivatives of the
vitamin. Hence, tangerine can be a good
option for treating these skin problems.
When it comes to healing wounds and other
damages to the skin, vitamin A is essential
for them, since it helps the skin rebuild
tissues. If you wish to control or remove any
skin ageing symptoms such as fine lines,
wrinkles, or keep dull skin at bay.
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