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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We all make hundreds of decisions every day.

Do I have a tea or coffee with breakfast? Do I wear that blue shirt/blouse or the white one? Should I move over to the right hand lane to avoid that slow moving, smoking and rusting heap of junk on the motorway ahead of me.

Most of these decisions really have no long term consequence in our lives and we should be able to make them with ease.

Then why is it that we agonize over some decisions and not others?

Its OK where we feel comfortable and in control, in other words within our comfort zone. But in order to progress in life, even just a little bit, it is inevitable that we will be faced with uncomfortable decision making.

Some people seem to thrive on decision making and are paid accordingly. They seem to be at ease deciding on courses of action that would have tremendous consequences withiout so much as a hesitation. Yet some of these decisions are poorly thought out and are ego based rather than the highest good.

Even these fluent decision makers haves of indecision, particularly where it involves family and friends. So you are not alone when it comes to stress induced by not knowing which way is best.

The first thing to is make the decision!

Errr... OK wise guy, if I'm strggling to know what to do, how do I make a decision then?

The main reason people put things off is that they don't want to make that decision, are not confidence about the outcome or are fearful of the reaction of others. Yet the only route forward is to have the courage to have the courage to make a decision one way or the other and face the consequences.

In many cases, whichever decision you make will be the right one; the important thing is to actually choose the next course of action. You can always adjust it later.

Learn to listen to your inner self and take the decision that feels right.

Make it your own!

Take responsibility for your decisions and don't let others make your decisions for you.
You have no one to blame other than yourself. It's your decision and you are in control.
obviously if you are in partnership then decision and you are in control.

Make it work!

Action is the key. Whatever decision you make, work at it, single-mindedly employing macro/micro vision, seeing the details as well as the untill fruition. Do everything it takes but also be patient for the outcome.

Die by it!

It is common reaction to doubt.
Did I choose the right decision? What if I did it the , other way? Surely there is an easier way than this?

You've made the decision, you've taken the action and you've taken responsibility for that action, now stick at it through thick and thin, peak and trough.
We all make mistakes, but at least you are moving forward. Just pick yourself up and carry on with more action.

Remember, you cannot fail with your decision; you can only learn.

So to summarize:
Make a decision,
Make it your own,
Make it work, and
Die by it.

If you live by this rule you will reach the success you desire. However,if you put off making that decision, the only thing left is a rut.

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