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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


When I started, litle did I knowt that you can make money on the internet, butdiscovered that there are lot lots of ways you can make money on the internet.

Some of the ways look really simpler and easier. It will only take you a little time and effort.I also discover that even those who are new have equal opportunities.

Another interesting thing I also found out is providing electronic access to information online is no-hassle way prmote a product that does't have to be manufactured or shipped. Infact all you need is creat a webite for your content and set up some simple markeing campains and sure you are on your way to becoming an e-book author. Infact I understant that people are interested in becoming enlightened and educated about topics that appeals to them and their needs. And if you are blessed with the skills to communicate an idea to another person in writting, then you've got what it takes to be successful.

Here are some of the ways you can make money on the internet.

= You can sell things through classified ads.
= You can sell things through auction.
= You can creat your own website to sell your product.
= Banners ads. Here you are paid per click.
= Affiliate marketing. Creat a website and market your product by advertising to people who want traffic send to their website from yours. Infact you paid small comission for each click on their banner to big comssion for the sale of their product or services.

There are tools that I also found out you need to make money on the internet. These are extremely important.

= Adwords.
= adsense.
= Affiliations.
= Autoresponders.
= Banners exchange.
= link exchange.
= Mailing.
= Merchant accounts.
= Submition service.
= Softwares,etc.

All these were overwhelming to me when I first started. You too can do it.The good thing about doing it yourself is that you'll have complete control over your internet endeavour, safe your hard earn money and use your skills and abilities to supplement your income online. Why not, give it a trial.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fw: How I Made $17,000 in 40 days...The True Story[ Must Read!]

--- On Mon, 22/12/08, Kenneth Ifeanyi <> wrote:
From: Kenneth Ifeanyi <>
Subject: How I Made $17,000 in 40 days...The True Story[ Must Read!]
To: "John Kantiyok" <>
Date: Monday, 22 December, 2008, 8:55 PM

 John,  Merry Christmas!!!.
   In a few days from now it is going to be christmas infact in less than four days from today people all over the world are going to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. And i hope you too are going to be celebrating along side with them.
   Anyway John Kantiyok the point of this brief mail is to tell you that even while many people are going to be looking for money from the begining of 2009 as a result of the excess money they are going to be spend this festive period you can be enjoying life before and after christmas.
  Many people say that, January is always the toughest year. Well that is half-truth. If you know what i know or what i am going to be teaching you for FREE on the 5th of Januray 2009 you will make money anytime you want.
   For example just today, so far i have made close to $1,000 and yet i have not done anything online since morning.[except this mail that i am typing]. I am not saying all this to brag rather i am only trying to show you that making money online is possible.
   Yes, i said on the 5th of January i will be launching out a report that will show you series of business ideas and opportunities that once you implement them you will make at least N1 million in 4 months. I will show you some secrets that made me around $17,000 in less than 30 days from my online business. This report will be 100% FREE.
  So keep a date with your calendar because on the 5th of January something big that will be change your financial life will be released..and its free.
 The only thing i ask is that you send your friends and families to  so they can be on my mailing list and on that day, they too will get this report worth N40,000 for free.
   It's going to be christmas in few days from now and many of my clients will be expecting me to give out a free report on that day...well i wont,after all you will get one a few days after that day.
  Rather i will be expecting a gift from you... Thats true. Send me christmas gift ooo.
  Thats all for today. I will send you a very informative email on the 29th December. Watch out for it.
  Kenneth Ifeanyi
Higher Life Marketing
P.o Box 2347
Lagos 23401

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Online Surveys.

There are many things that come into your email box each day that you should ignore. One of those is the promise of making money with online surveys. Those ads and emails are scams, and are not what you might think they are. What you might not know is that there are legitimate ways to earn money with surveys online, but unless you have sign up with any of the companies that offer these, you will never see an email from them. If you want to make money with these surveys, you will have to go out and find on your own.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Everyone knows that finding the right path in life can be a bit challenging.
Naturally Iam refering to a career path. If you by chance you choose the wrong path, in years to come its likely that you'll be rather unhappy and dissatisfied with life in general.
In other words its wise to choose the right job from the begining, but if you happen choose the wrong job, quit and move on. There are plenty of jobs available all the time. You just have to look in the right place. So,where would you search for jobs and careers of choice? If you want to make considerable progress in a short amount of time, its prudent to consider today's online job search databases.
The next time you lose your job or find out you're going to be let go, don't get too discouraged!. there is a wonderful and convenient solution to your delima. Iam talking about the numerous search engines on the web that allow you to search for jobs any time you please. Not mention in the comfort of your pyjamas. All you need to do is get on the bandwagon, is a computer with internet access. Websites such as:, are key in this process.
Now before you assume that these job websites are hassle and difficult to navigate. I suggest you think again. Major search engines like actually make the job search process rather easy. All you have to do is punch positions that potentially suit you. for example, if you have a degree in civil engineering, type "civil engineering" into the search engine and see what pops up. Just to be clear, you can narrow your search by location. Try only searching for your field of work within your current state or astate you desire to relocate to.
There is no reason why everyone can't find a great job in this day and age. With amazing search websites like, anyone can search for jobs with ease and summit resumes online as pie. Once your resume is posted, you will likely get response without even doing anything. Get started immediately finding your next job.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We all make hundreds of decisions every day.

Do I have a tea or coffee with breakfast? Do I wear that blue shirt/blouse or the white one? Should I move over to the right hand lane to avoid that slow moving, smoking and rusting heap of junk on the motorway ahead of me.

Most of these decisions really have no long term consequence in our lives and we should be able to make them with ease.

Then why is it that we agonize over some decisions and not others?

Its OK where we feel comfortable and in control, in other words within our comfort zone. But in order to progress in life, even just a little bit, it is inevitable that we will be faced with uncomfortable decision making.

Some people seem to thrive on decision making and are paid accordingly. They seem to be at ease deciding on courses of action that would have tremendous consequences withiout so much as a hesitation. Yet some of these decisions are poorly thought out and are ego based rather than the highest good.

Even these fluent decision makers haves of indecision, particularly where it involves family and friends. So you are not alone when it comes to stress induced by not knowing which way is best.

The first thing to is make the decision!

Errr... OK wise guy, if I'm strggling to know what to do, how do I make a decision then?

The main reason people put things off is that they don't want to make that decision, are not confidence about the outcome or are fearful of the reaction of others. Yet the only route forward is to have the courage to have the courage to make a decision one way or the other and face the consequences.

In many cases, whichever decision you make will be the right one; the important thing is to actually choose the next course of action. You can always adjust it later.

Learn to listen to your inner self and take the decision that feels right.

Make it your own!

Take responsibility for your decisions and don't let others make your decisions for you.
You have no one to blame other than yourself. It's your decision and you are in control.
obviously if you are in partnership then decision and you are in control.

Make it work!

Action is the key. Whatever decision you make, work at it, single-mindedly employing macro/micro vision, seeing the details as well as the untill fruition. Do everything it takes but also be patient for the outcome.

Die by it!

It is common reaction to doubt.
Did I choose the right decision? What if I did it the , other way? Surely there is an easier way than this?

You've made the decision, you've taken the action and you've taken responsibility for that action, now stick at it through thick and thin, peak and trough.
We all make mistakes, but at least you are moving forward. Just pick yourself up and carry on with more action.

Remember, you cannot fail with your decision; you can only learn.

So to summarize:
Make a decision,
Make it your own,
Make it work, and
Die by it.

If you live by this rule you will reach the success you desire. However,if you put off making that decision, the only thing left is a rut.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Unlock your potentials for success.

For you to succed in any business or job, you must make mistakes. But mistakes are the only way to develop the skills, knowledge and character you need to succed.


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